5 Steps I Do When Reading The Book Of Mormon To My Kids

When I first started reading the book of Mormon to my kids I thought they would be too young to really understand what was being read to them at five and two. I underestimated them. I read a chapter every day during breakfast time. Sometimes I hit the play button and we listen to it. Every few verses or if a word or idea comes up that I don’t think they understand we stop and talk about it. Sometimes I summarize and sometimes I ask my kids questions or ask my oldest to tell me in his own words what was read. My younger son is still learning to speak so he usually just listens. Sometimes he finishes eating and wonders off to play. Usually though the stories are exciting enough to keep both of their interests. Thinking back to going through 1 Nephi and there were a couple times when my son asked to keep reading to see what would happen next. Once we get through a bit we watch the corresponding video on lds.org.

I also read the illustrated kids versions we have available at other reading times we have. I found some heroes from the Book of Mormon trading cards that the kids get a kick out of and keeps them excited for them to show up in our reading.

So here are the ways I study the Book of Mormon with my kids:

1. Read or listen to a chapter a day.

2. Stop often to discuss and summarize

3. Ask questions and to retell in own words

4. Watch corresponding videos on lds.org

5. Read illustrated kid versions and review stories of the Book of Mormon hero trading cards

I really don’t think that there is a substitute for reading directly from the Book of Mormon. It’s been good practice.

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