For Sanity’s Sake: The Lesson Routine

This is the 4th post in my 10 post series For Sanity’s Sake.

If you’ve read the first post in this series you would know that throughout the day I have three lesson times built into our homeschooling daily schedule. Their durations are about 1.5 hours, 1.5 hours and 2 hours respectively.

I have a first grader a three year old and a one year old so we don’t sit for five hours doing school work. These times are set aside to get as much formal lessons done as we can but when attentions fail we break and have read aloud time or short attention activities.

Block 1

Calendar time



Block 2


Block 3

Family School







Block 1 and 2 are pretty self explanatory we do the topics pretty much in order every day.

Block 3 for family school we rotate through one topic each day. Music and Art are treated as one topic. We do three rotations of music and three of Art. For Other I have various activities that dont necessarily fit in with lessons directly like computer lessons, piano or other activities that are fun. We dont always get to them but they provide incentive to do all the other lessons for the day.

For Family School we use American Heritage School’s The Family School Online It has been working really well for us. I just use a free account. If it keeps working for us and I think it will when they are a bit older we will purchase a full account. But really through elementary it isn’t needed.

I don’t assign lessons to specific days. When planning for the year I have lists for what I want to get completed for the year in each subjet. I have a calendar where I mark a few estimates of where we want to be. I do my detailed plan once a week.

I want to move the learning along but I find if I plan ahead too far the plan gets muddled if we progress faster or slower. Somtimes ideas need more practice then initially planned.

See the first series post For Sanitys Sake: The Daily Schedule for links of all the posts in this series.

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