1st Grade Curriculum Resources 2019-2020

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Its important to pick curriculum and resources and stick with it. Dont get distracted by all the the ideas you come across online on pinterest because nothing will get done. At some point you have to commit and then do it. No curriculum is perfect. That’s the nice part of homeschooling These are the resources I have chosen to use for my 1st grader this year:

Most of the books are available on amazon. I included links but I was able to find almost all of them at the library near where I live. When its not a work book you can save money borrowing from the library. A couple were on the Project Gutenberg. Homeschooling doesn’t have to cost a lot. Links are also included for the free resources we are using also.




The bulk of our extra subjects listed below are the ones we will be using the family school resources provided by american heritage. It is a curriculum that incorporates Latter Day Saint/Christian views into each lesson and it is wonderful. I am not affiliated with the school in any way but I would recommend their courses highly. Below are the courses we are using and the read aloud we have chosen to go with each subject.

Family School By American Heritage Homeschooling Curriculum (Some Free Lesson Plans, Awesome Website)

Geography – North America

History – Ancient Civilizations
The Story of the World, Volume 1 by Susan Wise Bauer
Mummies Made in Egypt, by Aliki
Ancient Egypt, by Robert Nicholson and Claire Watts
Pyramid, by David Macauley
Tirzah, by Lucille Travis
The Trojan Horse: How the Greeks Won the War

Literature – Out And About
The Rough-Face Girl, by Rafe Martin
Little House in the Big Woods, by Laura Ingalls Wilder
Bambi, by Felix Salten
Comedy of Errors, by Shakespeare
William Shakespeare and the Globe by Aliki

Science – Zoology
Black Beauty by Anna Sewell

Music – Music in a Beautiful World
Choirbook: Handel’s Messiah

Art – Art of Antiquity

Other resources that I will be taking activities from to add into calendar time and “other” time.

[UPDATE: 3/10/2020

Started using the following about a month ago and they have been a great addition to what we have been doing:

  • Readingeggs.com
  • The Tuttle Twins books
  • Art For Kids Hub YouTube videos


In addition to that we will be working through our home library of books for reading practice and story times.

If your curious as to how we plan to accomplish our 1st grade goals check out how our daily lesson time flows then check out my post For Sanity’s Sake: the Lesson Routine.

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