Homeschool Bead Projects

It always amazes me what activities my kids end up really liking. For Valentines my kids made grandparents bead necklaces. And it went well but ever since they have been asking to do more bead projects. My 7 year old loved the lizard and poped a bunch out pretty quickly. My 4 year old loves counting and patterns so beading has been a perfect activity for him. And my 2 year old loves the colors I help her string bracelets that she is obsessed with.

Grandparents, neighbors, and aunts have all recived tokens from the kids. Bracelets, necklaces, lizards, moose, eagles and other animals have been made.

It has been a fun time and I was worried about attention spans being short but watching them sit for half an hour to an hour concentrating makes me think they are all doing fine.

It a fairly cheap hobby yarn and beads and your set. If you kid want to create beading is a good hobby.


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