Top 3 Ways To Decrease Visual Clutter

It is ok to have things. Having everything out at once not so much. When their are to many things around a space its purpose can be lost. Stress from just looking at it all can be overwhelming. Not much work can get done in an over filled workspace. How does one relax in chaos?

These are my top three ways to decrease visual clutter and keep your spaces clear.

1. Clear Flat Surfaces

The first, easiest and most effective action you can take to decrease visual clutter is to clear off flat surfaces. Counters, tables, floors. Display only 1 or 2 decorative peices per surface. Have a place out of sight where each item belongs and make a habit of returning things not in use to their proper place.

2.  Avoid Overfilling Rooms

Too many items of furniture in a room can make a room feel cluttered. Rethink decorative end tables.

3. Limit Wall Decor

Cramming in the wall decor dosen’t allow the eye anywhere to rest. Keep picture frames in 2 to 3 per cluster. If you like the clustered wall look pair it with adjoining equally sized clear walls.

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