Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe – Celebration

Today we celebrated finishing reading the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe. Our project was sewing a teashirt bag on the sewing machine and painting their favorite animal. I didn't enjoy the book when I read it the first time. Probably, because I rushed through it with a deadline for a school assignment. However, it... Continue Reading →

5 Ways For Using Freeze Dried Collard Greens

I decided to make some collard greens powder from the garden harvest this year. I grew six collard plants and two of the turned in to monstrosities that over toot the garden bed they were in. I have been eating and cooking fresh off plants all summer. I thought I grew too much but next... Continue Reading →

Birthday Cake

I made my baby girl a birthday cake for her 3rd birthday. She wanted a chocolate cake but I could only fond vanilla cake mix in the gluten free section at Walmart. I ended up adding a couple scoops chocolate protein powder to try to turn it chocolate. I used a layer of vanilla frosting... Continue Reading →

Repurposed Crib Art

When my first son was born I was gifted a crib from a friend from church. She said that it had gone through all of her children and some. If I remember correctly she said at least 7 children had used it. The design was extremely sturdy and functional. My mother painted it to lighten... Continue Reading →

Instant Pot Apple Crisp

Ingredients: Chopped apples Oatmeal Cinnamon Brown Sugar Pinch of salt. This recipe is so simple. I just mix all the ingredients together in the pre warmed instant pot and set for 4 minutes. I let it cool without venting for about 8 minutes. Sometimes, after it's out of the instant pot, to add a bit... Continue Reading →

Freeze Dried Candy That Dosen’t Disappoint

The verdict is in. The following are my kids favorite freeze dried candies. In no particular order: Starbursts MinisSalt Water TaffySkittles Jr. MintsRolos I prefer giving my family freeze dried fruit as a treat but once in a while candy makes an appearance. Hopfully I can keep some for when the apocalypse happens. Treats could... Continue Reading →

Chicken Noodle Soup

Fresh soup always turns out better than canned. Our house has a little cold cycling though everyone so it seemes like a good day for chicken noodle soup. Here is how I make it. Ingredients: NoodlesGarlicCarrotsCeleryOnionChickenChicken bullion ThymeItalian seasoningBay leafPaprikaFresh parsley SaltPepperLemon (optional) When I make this I usually make a split recipe and combine... Continue Reading →

Pre-School Curriculum

I am writing this post to put together a list of what I actually using for our pre-school time. The categories I want covered I go over in my post: Preschool At Home Activities For 3 And-4 Year Olds My son loves counting. I bought a pre-school level work book from brain quest and he... Continue Reading →

Healthy Snacks – Freeze Dried Fruit

My kids love candy. Who dosen't right? We have dairy and wheat allergies and a bit of food dye sensitivity. With that candy choices are pretty limited. Suckers, skittles and highchews are the candies we occasionally have but when the kids are in the mood for something sweet. I don't want to hand them sugar... Continue Reading →

Homeschool Bead Projects

It always amazes me what activities my kids end up really liking. For Valentines my kids made grandparents bead necklaces. And it went well but ever since they have been asking to do more bead projects. My 7 year old loved the lizard and poped a bunch out pretty quickly. My 4 year old loves... Continue Reading →

Broccoli Chicken Salad

This is a quick lunch that my kids are willing to eat. It's a warm salad that will even satisfy the adults. Our families preference is to eat this salad warm but it also works pretty well as a cold picnic salad. Instructions: First, sauté cubed chicken adding salt and pepper. Second, add chopped veggies.... Continue Reading →

I had a rare hour to myself tonight. My husband took the boys tubing. I spent a lovely day with my daughter. She went to bed for the night and I had about an hour to myself. I was in the mood to be creative and complete something. I have had a picture frame with... Continue Reading →

10 Uses For Pico De Gallo

I've done a post on Pico de gallo before. But I'm posting about it again because it's my favorite garnish, dip, goodness. If your looking for the recipe see my previous post. Here. Every ingredient is optional add only what you love the taste of. Here is a list of the way I use pico.... Continue Reading →

Freeze Dried Cherries

Freeze dried cherries are my new favorite thing. I found these on sale in the frozen section at Walmart. Fresh would probably be even better. They came whole and pitted. I didn't add anything just put them straight on the trays. I am not sure the exact time they took. I only did one tray... Continue Reading →

Men Are, That They Might Have Joy

"Adam fell that men might be; and men are, that they might have joy." 2 Nephi 2:25 Parents don't save their children from every trial because they want them to learn. I think God wants people to have joy so he allows people as a whole and individually to experience and learn from the consequences... Continue Reading →

Kids Rejected My Food Today

I have been watching a Korean show about a piano player who has a bunch of mishaps. In one of the shows they made gimbap and it looked so delicious. I thought the kids might like somthing like that so we made some california rolls today. They taste great but the kids won't eat it... Continue Reading →

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