How To Make Enchilada Sauce From Scratch

There is nothing quite like my mom's enchilada sauce. The smell and taste remind me of home and especially the holidays. Chistmas eve our tradition is to have Mexican food. First you take dried chillies and using gloves take out all the seeds. Then you boil the chilies unlit they are soft. Blend the softened... Continue Reading →

2nd Grade Curriculum Resources 2020 – 2021

It took me a while to decide on what direction we were going to take this year. I've finally settled on how 2nd grade is going to look. Links are included for the resources we are using. Some resources from last year could be usefull too. You can see those here: 1st Grade Curriculum Resources... Continue Reading →

Review: Enjoy Life Snack Products

My son's dairy and wheat allergies are constantly leaving me in search for treats for him. Can you imagine your siblings being given a cookie by grandma, getting a treat at a church function, or going to get ice cream with freinds only you just get to watch them have a treat because if you... Continue Reading →

Wasp Sting

My son was stung by a wasp today. He is three so we didn't know if he would have an allergic reaction or not. He was only stung once on the thumb. There is a wasps nest by our side door. We have removed it twice before and sprayed but they are back. We were... Continue Reading →

Why Mommy Linger Longer?

When I was growing up I was a member of a church ward that had a social or "linger longer" once a month or so. Everyone brought some type of food to share. After church everyone would "linger longer". Kids would play together and adults would get to know other members better. It was a... Continue Reading →

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