Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe – Celebration

Today we celebrated finishing reading the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe. Our project was sewing a teashirt bag on the sewing machine and painting their favorite animal. I didn't enjoy the book when I read it the first time. Probably, because I rushed through it with a deadline for a school assignment. However, it... Continue Reading →

Stickman Movment Activity

I've been on a computer presentation kick lately. My calendar time folder has fallen apart twice and it occurred to me that I could put the information on slides and go with a presentation style on the computer or television. The funny thing is now that calendar time is projected onto the TV the kids... Continue Reading →

Seed Starting Art Project

So it's that time of year again. We are getting our garden seeds started indoors. My kids love hands on things and so after they helped me get the dirt into the cups and helped plant the seeds. They also helped make the label sticks beautiful. I cut giant craft sticks in half and wrote... Continue Reading →

Soda Plaster

My kids spent the morning making soda plaster heart beads. It was a lot of mess and fun. My only advice on this is when you roll it out leave it a little thick. We made a bunch of shapes that didn't survive the heat and went brittle. Oh and make the bead hole before... Continue Reading →

Finger Painting Christmas Trees

Kids love paint. My kids had to take a bath after this project but they had fun. It was fun to compare how they each approached it. Top left is my 1yr olds, top middle and right my 3yr old and bottom ones are my 6yr olds.

Paint was a bit messy but they had a blast making Thanksgiving Turkeys! Happy Thanksgiving!

Review: Leaf Man

(This post contains affiliate links.See my Disclosure Policy) Leaf Man by Lois Elhert. I'm going to say it. I didn't like this book. I don't know what it was about it. Mabey the sleepy feeling it gave me. Or the messy feeling the pictures gave me. It wasn't my thing. My feelings aside my 3... Continue Reading →

Free Play: Box Cities

Today was as great day! We made box cities out of empty diaper boxes today. Wrapped the boxes in craft paper, handed the kids some markers and let them go at it. It always amazes me how entertaining a few cardboard boxes can be. After art time we counted all the windows and doors that... Continue Reading →

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