Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe – Celebration

Today we celebrated finishing reading the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe. Our project was sewing a teashirt bag on the sewing machine and painting their favorite animal. I didn't enjoy the book when I read it the first time. Probably, because I rushed through it with a deadline for a school assignment. However, it... Continue Reading →

2nd Grade Curriculum Resources 2020 – 2021

It took me a while to decide on what direction we were going to take this year. I've finally settled on how 2nd grade is going to look. Links are included for the resources we are using. Some resources from last year could be usefull too. You can see those here: 1st Grade Curriculum Resources... Continue Reading →

Homeschool Triumph Moment

I had a couple of awesome homeschool moments yesterday. We just finished a unit on Ancient Greece and started Rome in history. We also have been reading a lot of kid versions of Shakespeare. The kids love it. My 2nd grader was able to retell his dad the story of Julius Cesar. Then I found... Continue Reading →

Soda Plaster

My kids spent the morning making soda plaster heart beads. It was a lot of mess and fun. My only advice on this is when you roll it out leave it a little thick. We made a bunch of shapes that didn't survive the heat and went brittle. Oh and make the bead hole before... Continue Reading →

Review: Tirzah

(This post contains affiliate links. See my Disclosure Policy ) Tirzah by Lucille Travis I don't know what I was expecting when the kids and I started reading this book but it was not what I was expecting. I mean who doesn't love the story of Moses right. This book gave a completely new perspective... Continue Reading →

Book of Mormon Videos

The kids and I have been reading the Book of Mormon every day at breakfast since last August. We should be done with it by the end of October. The church just released the first of the Book of Mormon Videos. We just watched it and it was awesome! The kids were really into it.... Continue Reading →

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